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We specialize in science learning and making the learning process authentic and engaging. We want to restore the joy that science is all about, which are exploration and having answers to your imaginations. We do not focus on just passing State Exams. We focus on understanding the answers to everything you have seen and though of.

Some science sessions requires you to have your own materials.

We offer

  • 1 on 1 science sessions
  • Group sessions
  • Science courses

$25-100 per session

$25-100 per session

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Peta Gaye Morrison

I am a Certified Science teacher. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Science Education. In addition, I am months away from being a STEM-certified teacher. I have experiences in teaching biology, earth science, chemistry, physics, and more.

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Biology & Chemistry

The most popular class. Come learn about the phenomenons in biology and chemistry. In addition, these classes are great to prepare you for future tests and state exams.

Earth Science & Physics

Come learn about our planet earth and the many different phenomenon that makes our planet amazing. In addition, these classes are great to prepare you for future tests and state exams.

STEM & Science Equipments

In this class, you will learn how to use different science instruments: Instruments that are used in biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and advances sciences. In addition, come learn what STEM is all about! Bring your own items though :)

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